Impact Report

Our Mission

To decrease the achievement gap that exists for our underserved children by providing high-quality reading instruction in the classroom and free tutoring outside of the classroom to our neediest students.

The RHT Experience

RHT meets the need for high quality reading instruction through our teacher training and tutoring program. Our program provides local teachers with certifications in a nationally recognized, evidence-based reading program. Once trained, teachers are equipped to apply the program in their classes and provide free individualized after school tutoring to at-risk, struggling readers who require a more intensive intervention experience.

Our provision of free tutoring is unique to our program and a critical aspect of our mission. Through our new tutoring center, we provide local communities access to literacy resources, parent training, and a multicultural lending library.

The Need

We are in a literacy crisis—now more than ever. Students are struggling with the aftermath of the pandemic and school resources are stretched. Our struggling readers and at-risk families face an unprecedented disadvantage. Raising Hands is on a mission to close this opportunity gap.

Currently Serving

schools in NJ






hours of free tutoring



are Title 1 Schools


minority enrollment


tutoring students qualify for
free or reduced lunch


classroom students are
economically disadvantaged


I am proud to work as a tutor for Raising Hands, providing free, high-quality reading instruction to students from low-income families in our community. Opening the doors to reading success for a child is life-changing and benefits all of us.
— May Lewis, M.Ed., RHT Teacher
Reading and writing have gotten easier for me. It was fun to write the words and learn new sounds. I didn’t know the sounds and now I know them!
— RHT Student
Miss Leaper was the best tutor that I will ever have! She helps me a lot with reading. I knew all my math stuff but now reading is easier for me. I know more sounds, blends, and words. I write better than I did at the beginning of the year. I want to come back next year!”
— Jayden